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Prep children playing with colourful balls


We are very pleased that you have shown an interest in our Prep Year. 

Research shows the benefits of full-time quality programs before children start Year 1. This research also shows that children who are older generally do better than their younger peers when they start formal schooling. An Early Years Curriculum has been developed specifically for use in the Prep Year and is used in conjunction with the Australian Curriculum.

Our Prep Year classes will be comprised of groups of approximately 25 children. 

A teacher and a teacher assistant staff our Prep Year. The teacher is responsible for the organisation; conduct and curriculum of the children attending Prep. The Prep Year teachers are full time. The Prep Year assistants (one for each prep group) will be employed for approximately 30 hours a week.

Prep School Hours
Prep commences at 8:40 am
First Break (lunch) is at 10:40 am until 11:20 am
Second Break (afternoon tea) is at 1:20 pm until 1:40 pm  Brain Break at 2:15 pm
School concludes at 3:00 pm
Prep children’s clothing should be manageable and easily washed so all the activities including painting, sand and water play can be fully enjoyed.  Shorts and shirts with sleeves are recommended.
A broad brimmed hat is necessary for the children to play outdoors. 
As St Patrick’s is a ‘sunsmart’ school, sunscreen will be provided at Prep. If any child has problem with sensitive skin please feel free to provide your own. 
Our Prep Year children will have a special shirt to be worn each day to make them easily recognisable. This shirt can be purchased at school. There is a different colour for each Prep class. Soft soled, covered shoes are best for Prep. 

Prep Requirements
1.      One medium / large backpack type bag that your child can easily open.
2.      A library bag or folder.
3.      A spare set of clothing including underwear (please place these items in a drawstring named cloth bag to be left at prep). 
4.      A large box of tissues.
5.      Shirt (an old one from home) suitable for art.
6.      A4 Display Book
7.      Plastic envelope wallet 
8.      5 x Scrap books for Mathematics, English, Science, History/Geography and Art. 

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