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Religious Education 
Each class has a formal religion lesson for thirty minutes each day. The Christian message is applied to all that happens throughout the school day.  Weekly prayer assemblies are held each Monday morning, class liturgies are held each Friday, while class and school masses are arranged for special occasions. Classes are rostered on attending our weekly Friday parish mass at 9am. All children are required to participate in all Religious Education Programs. 

Sacramental Program 
Those children wishing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation have the opportunity to do so through involvement in our Parish-based Sacramental Program.  Our Parish Sacramental Team, led by our Assistant Principal (Religious Education), coordinates these programs and works closely with the school to administer the Sacraments. Students in Year 4 and older are welcome to join the program. Families will be advised of details through newsletters and Parish bulletins.

Other Curriculum Areas 
St Patrick’s follows the same curriculum guidelines common to all Queensland Primary schools. In 2023, our teachers will utilise and implement the Australian Curriculum 8.4 for Mathematics, English, Science, HASS, The Arts, Technologies and Health and Physical Education.

Regular reviews of school curriculum programs are carried out both internally (by school staff) and externally (by the Catholic Education Office) to ensure that quality Catholic education is available for our students.

Parent Reporting 
At St Patrick’s School we follow the format outlined below:

Prep to Year 6 parents/carers attend an information meeting with their child’s teacher to discuss school/class routines (Early Term One).

An individual parent/teacher meeting, at the beginning of Term Two, by request of teacher and at the end of Term Four, at the request of the parents/carers.

NAPLAN - each year all Year 3, 5 and 7 children across Australia complete tests on Literacy (Language) and Numeracy (Mathematics).  These tests are set and marked externally, and teachers are forwarded results which are then passed on to parents.

Written reports are sent home at the end of each Semester to all children in Prep to Year 6.


Inclusive Practices

St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School supports the Inclusive Practices Approach as outlined by the Queensland Catholic Education Commission.  Inclusive Practice values the uniqueness and diversity of our children and focuses on being able to provide educational opportunities that may require adjustments and modifications in the school setting.

Identified children are categorised into three areas – PLP (Personalised Learning Plan), ILP (Individual Learning Plan) and Support Plan students.  These individualised plans focus on the needs of each child in accordance with NCCD guidelines.  Identified children are supported in class according to each individualised plan.  Support takes place within the classroom and can occur during small group work with the inclusion support staff.

St Patrick’s has an Inclusive Practices Coordinator whose role is to work collaboratively with educators, children, parents and various outside agencies to support the process of providing inclusive practices in our classrooms.  Student Learning assistants also provide support to children in the provision of inclusive practises.  Much of their work involves supporting children who require adjustments in the classroom and assisting with the implementation of various programs as required.

Classroom teachers are the primary educators responsible for the overall learning and development of your child. The Inclusive Practices Coordinator works closely with all teaching staff at Saint Patrick’s Catholic Primary School to ensure that these individualised plans are implemented ensuring the best possible outcomes for your child. 



At St Patrick’s School, Emerald, homework is seen as an essential part of the education of each child. Homework will be compulsory for all year levels from Prep to 6. 

It will be given to reinforcement of concepts taught in class, to develop a sense of responsibility in our children, provide feedback to parents/carers on what has been taught and it develops good study habits.
Homework at St Patrick’s can include: Spelling/phonics/word building/HFW or Tricky words, sentences/grammar/punctuation, reading, mathematics including number facts and problem solving. 

How long should it take?  
Time recommended per day:
Year 6                30 to 40 minutes increasing slightly in Semester 2
Year 4/5            20 to 25 minutes   
Year 3                 20 minutes     
Year 2                 15 minutes (homework, home readers)
Year 1                  15 minutes (4 days)


Homework needs to be:
¨       Given out on Friday and returned the following Wednesday. 

¨       Interesting and relevant
¨       Revision of concepts covered in class
¨       Seen as a partnership with parents/carers
¨       Matched to ability
¨       Not used as a punishment
¨       Explained well by teachers

At St Patrick’s Emerald we believe that homework is an important part of the educational process. If problems arise in regards to the completion of homework, the child’s teacher will contact the parents/guardians. The structure of homework and how it is to be completed will be explained during the information evenings held at the beginning of the school year.


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